
portable X-ray machine

Production and sales of low-dose portable X-ray machines (contact number: 138...

  • 联系人:程经理
  • 电话:13806318375
  • 手机:13806318375
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 Weihai portable X-ray machine manufacturing, sales and maintenance Co., Ltd., contact: manager Cheng, Tel: 13806318375. Production and sales: low dose portable X-ray machine, the price: 250000 yuan (RMB). One year warranty, lifelong maintenance. We are looking for global agents. The machine weighs only 3.6 kg and can be lifted by one hand. It doesn't need a dark room and can see bones at the push of a button. Low dose portable X-ray machine is the first high-th product developed by our company. It is the smallest X-ray diagnostic equipment at home and abroad. Our company is the largest professional manufacturer of portable X-ray machine in China,,For more information, visit the company's website: http://www.jdzj.com/jdzjnews/k4_ 2504781.html,,,,Spification and model of low dose portable X-ray machine,,,Performance parameters 75y type


Output image size: 100mmx76mm


Observation thickness: ≤ 320mm


Resolution :> 4LP / mm


Output screen brightness :> 40CD / MV2


X tube high pressure :45-90kv


The current of X-tube is: 0.25-0.5ma


X-ray leakage rate: < 5mr / h


Main engine weight: 4.2kg


Power consumption: 80W


Power supply: 220V50 Hz,,,,,,,,,,,,Use of portable X-ray machine (the machine can only inspt the limbs and shoulders, and the cervical spine and femoral head can be seen in the dark room. Almost no radiation to people),,Portable X-ray machine is the smallest X-ray diagnostic equipment at home and abroad. It is also called portable X-ray machine. 1. It mainly adopts CCD imaging principle with high gain and high sensitivity, which has beautiful appearance and large viewing radius.,,2. Safe, portable, high resolution, can see clear images without dark room. There is no need for any prottion. The machine can be connted to a computer and print pictures through a printer. The machine has three advantages: 1. Light weight, only 3.2kg. It can be lifted by one hand. 2. Using high gain and high sensitivity CCD imaging principle, X-ray quantity is very low, only 0. 5mA doesn't hurt people. 3. LCD digital imaging, without dark room, bone can be seen at the press of a button.,At the same time, the machine has four disadvantages: 1. The field of vision is 100mmx75mm fluorescent screen. Doctors will feel that the field of vision is small at the beginning, so it is better to move the machine. 2. There will be drag shadow in the image when the objt is moving. It is OK to be still. Doctors are not used to it at the beginning. It will be better if the time is long. 3. The machine can only inspt the limbs and shoulders, and the cervical spine and femoral head can be seen in the dark room. 4. The imaging of knee joint of lower limb is black, but the image can be used.


It works better in the dark room.,,The machine can also be used in hand and foot surgery operating room. It is used in quality sampling insption of disposable plastic power plug in industry. Sampling insption of metal wires in rubber and plastics. Surity and anti-terrorism operations, insption for use.


This machine is widely used in orthopedics, hand and foot surgery (replantation of severed fingers and limbs), micro trauma surgery - operating room (anaesthetic for patients with limb bone injuries - insption before and after operation), manipulative reduction of limbs in traditional Chinese medicine, immediate insption through intramedullary nail and Kirschner wire. Traditional Chinese medicine closed manipulative reduction and orthopedic Kirschner wire, intramedullary nailing, need to be under the insption of portable X-ray machine, edge insption and visual, which greatly improves the accuracy of bone setting and reduces medical accidents. Due to the high-th thnology - extremely low dose, the machine can produce clear insption images, and there is almost no harm to users. The safe reset environment does not harm doctors. In order to greatly improve the accuracy of orthopedic surgery and reduce medical accidents, traditional Chinese medicine closed manipulative reduction and orthopedic Kirschner wire and intramedullary nailing should be carried out under the insption of portable X-ray machine. The machine, which uses a portable X-ray scanner, has little damage to the environment due to its high-th, low-dose imaging. Other aspts,. Industrial non-destructive testing, testing of prious Chinese medicinal materials (Cordyceps sinensis), packaging food testing. Non destructive testing of plastics, rubber and metal. Mine wire rope dettor. Dettion of eltric tension clamp. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
公司名称: portable X-ray machine 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 山东/威海市 公司规模: 100-499人
注册资本: 30万人民币 注册年份: 1992
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: Production and sales of low-dose portable X-ray machines (contact number: 13806318375)
销售的产品: Production and sales of low-dose portable X-ray machines (contact number: 13806318375)